Canto 1. The poem begins with an auspicious word Arham and an eulogy of the Chaulukya dynasty (1-3). The description of the Anhilwāda city; beauty of the women and an account of the religious, educational, social and administrative institutions is given (4-134), Mūlarāja was the originator of the dynasty. Heroic as well as administrative qualities of Mülarāja are elucidated in the poem. In his administration, the subjects were happy, co-operative and austere (135-201).
Canto II. Once, Mūlarāja saw Lord Siva in a dream and was ordered to crush demons who had made preparations to demolish Prabhāsa Tīrtha (1-4). In the morning, he went to council-chamber together with his ministers named Jambaka and Jehula (5-60). Explaining the anti-Aryan and irreligious conduct of Grāharipu, Jehula advised to wage a war in accordance with the instructions of the Lord Siva (61.95). Jambaka critically reviewed the military power and strategy of Grāharipu and persuaded Mülarāja to invade personaliy (96-110).
Canto III. The winter season set in and is described in detail (1-50). Mūlarāja made military preparations and launched an expedition against Grāharipu, (51-78). During the expedition, auspicious and favourable omens appeared (79-92). People gathered, witnessed the march and army proceeded (93-116). They reached the bank of the river Jambumāli. By the order of the king, tents were erected for a
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