Life and Perspality of Hemacandra gation of Hemacandra?. It is further stated that it was due to Hemacandra that Kumāra pāla abolished the practice of confisticating the property of hairless persons and agreed to banish the seven sins from his administration”.
Thus it can be concluded that Hemacandra was a humanitarian who was, no doubt, a Jain by religion, yet he accepted Humanism and believed in human values of life.
For the rest of his life he devoted himself to the propagation of Jainism and to the accomplishment of his vast literary career. According to Prabhāvakacarita, he breathed his last in Vik. Sam 1229 (1172 A.D.) in the reign of Kumārapāla.
1. Prabhāvakacarita, p. 202. 2. Prabhāvakacarita, p. 203; Prabandhacintāmaņi, p. 84; Prabandhakośa.
p. 48; Kumārapālacaritasangraha, p. 17; Also Cf. Mohaparājaya of yasahpāla. Ed. Caturvijaya muni G.O.S. Baroda, 1918. According to the Dvyāśrayakávya (XX.37). loans were given to wine. sellers and butcbers to shift to a new occupation.
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