Williams were helpful. For flora, I have utilized the above dictionaries and the work of G.P. Majumdar, "Plants and Plant life in Indian treatises and traditions". Being classified alphabetically (Devanagari), the proper names of flora and fauna are not included in the index.
The last seventeenth chapter deals with the religious position in the Dvyāśrayakāvya. Hemacandra played an important part in the religious history of Gujarat. Due to his efforts, Jainism was made a state religion in the reign of Jayasimha and Kumārapāla. Other religions and sects also flourished in Gujarat. The rituals of the temple of Somanātha influenced Jain rituals also. In this chapter, an attempt has been made to study Brāhmaṇism, Vaiṣṇavism, Saivism, Sunworship, Agastya-worship, Mother-goddesses, Buddhism, and Jainism together with their rituals and an attempt has been made to support the concepts by other historical documents. In the last, a study of fares and festivals, pilgrimages, beliefs, superstitions and omens as reflected from the Dvyāśrayakāvya has been made. It is followed by a bibliography and an index.
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