Grammatical study
If the sütra admits optional examples of groups, each group gives four examples viz. initial words, one word more and optional examples in both the cases.
At four places in the whole of the Dvyāśrayakāvya, all the constituent words of a group are illustrated.
14. Group of irregular forms (Nipātanas) : Bven in the irregular words (Nipāta) the previous rule operates i.e. if there is a group of irregular forms, usually initial and one more representing the group are illustrated. If such groups of
1. DV.XIII.18 : Haima 5.3.115.
"Farferat at. Here the examples are Abhih, bhīti, Abriḥ, brīti i.e. the initial and one more having optional forms.
Similarly, such optional examples are found in the poem throughout. 2. (i) DV.124-129; Haima 1.4.7.
सर्वादेः स्मस्माती। Here all the examples of the group sarva, pūrva, para, avata, daksina, uttara, apara and adhara etc. are illustrated. Besides, counter-examples of all these are also given. Similarly DV.1.160 ; Halma 1.4.16.
'नवभ्या पूर्वेभ्यः स्मात स्मिन्या' Here all the above nine words incorporated in the 'sarvädi' group are impossible to be repeated so their representative examples are given. In roots : DV. X.70; Haima 4.4.88.
SEC17 a foga:' Here all the five root are enumerated, In the sūyatyādibhyo navabhyo Haima 4.2.70, only three examples are
given and not the nine. 3. DV. V. 32; Haima 3.1.23.
36Targui' two examples, viz. ustramukha and Vrşaskandha are given,
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