not attaining omniscience on account of his intense attachment to him. Hence knowing that he was to attain nirvāṇa on that very night, Mahāvira sent Indrabhūti to instruct Devašarman residing in a village not far away from the place. By the time he returned Mahāvīra had given up his worldly life and had attained nirvana. He was very sad and also intrigued as to why he was sent away when the end of Lord Mahāvīra was drawing near. But he at once realised that till then he was deep sunk in the mire of ignorance and attachment and that his love and attachment were coming in the way of his attaining ormniscience. He immediately attained omniscience.*
All such narratives are based on the statement in the Bhagavati Sūtra 14.7 that Indrabhūti Gautama was higly attached to Lord Mahāvīra and that their relationship persisted even from the previous birth, and that they would both be alike in the future.
The Bhagavadgită has a unique place in the Mahābhārata inasmuch as though it is perfectly set in the chain of the original story, it can be severed from it and can serve as a text-book of Indian thought. The place of the Gañadharavāda in the Višeşā vaśyakabhāsya is a similar one. Set in the original at the stage when after attaining omniscience (kevala-jñāna), Mahāvīra is honoured at a sama vasarana and even the gods come to pay their respects to him and Indrabhūti out of jealousy, and other ten Brāhmaṇas out of curiosity and even a sense of admiration approach Mahā vīra, each with a query in his mind, the Gañadharavāda can serve as an independent manual of Jaina philosophy. Like the Gītā or even the Upanişads, the Buddhist Pițakas and the Jaina Agamas, it is framed as a dialogue — between Mabā vira and the eleven gañadharas one after the other. This gives the writer a very good opportunity to pose questions and raise objections or anticipate objections from the opponent and thus make the whole affair very life-like
* Trişaştišalákāpuruşacaritra 10.13.
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