(or worms). O Vyakte, masses of creapers are animate for they move (to trees) for support. Sami, stc. are admitted to be animate on account of sleeping, waking, contracting, etc. Bakula, etc. (are animate) for they enjoy seasonally their respective object, sound, etc,
(1756) Cluster of trees, coral, lavaņa, upala, etc, as long as they are firmly rooted (are animate), since sprouts of the same type are found to spring up (even when they are cut off), like flesh coming up (in piles).
(1757) Water is said to be (animate) like a frog since it springs up naturally when the ground is dug; or because, like fish, it transforms itself naturally as clouds and falls from the sky.
(1758) Air (is animate), since it like the bull without being goaded by anyone moves about in the directions horizontally and irregularly. Fire is animate since increase and change are seen in it by its beings fed (fuelled).
(1759) The elements up to Air are bodies of the corporeal class different from the changes of clouds. They are soulless or having a soul according as they are struck by a weapon or not.
(1760-1) O Gentle one, many souls attain salvation and there is no possibility of new ones being born. The inhabited universe is of limited dimension. For those who do not admit souls with one sense, there would be an end of wordly life altogether (there would be no soul in the world). But because this is not desired, it is established that there is an infinite number of souls and that they have the elements as their support (i.e. they are embodied).
(1762) (Vyakta --) (If the earth etc.) were so crowded with souls, their could be no Ahimsa (Non-injury). (Mahavira —) It is not so since it has been said that what is struck by a weapon is soul-less. There cannot be Himsā simply because (the universe) is crowded by souls.
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