11. Nidra-Nidrâ
12. Prachala
13. Prachala-prachalâ 14. Styânagridhi
2 Feeling, Vedaniya (=v.)
15. Sâtâ-v. Pleasure-feeling; that which brings pleasure. 16. Asâtâ-v. Pain-feeling; that which brings pain.
Gommatsara, Karma-kand
Deep sleep. Drowsiness.
Heavy drowsiness. Somnambulism.
28 Deluding, Mohaniya.
I. 3 Darśana-mohaniya. Right-belief-deluding.
17. Mithyâtva, Wrong belief.
18. Samyag mithyâtva, Right-wrong belief, mixed wrong and right belief. 19. Samyaktva Prakriti, Clouded-right belief, right belief clouded by slight wrong belief. Full right belief of the subsidential or destructive kind, being a characteristic primary attribute of the soul, manifests itself at the subsidence or destruction of this sub-class.
II. 25 Châritra-mohaniya, Right-conduct-deluding.
(i) 16 Kaşaya, Passions.
(a) 4 Anantânubandhi, Error-feeding or Wrong-belief-breeding or right-belief-preventing passions, viz.
20. Krodha, Anger.
21. Mâna, Pride.
22. Maya, Deceit.
23. Lobha, Greed.
(b) 4 Apratayakhyanavaraniya, Partial-vow-preventing passions. 24. Anger.
25. Pride.
26. Deceit.
27. Greed.
(c) 4 Pratyakhyanavaraniya, Total-vow-preventing passions. 28. Anger.
29. Pride.
32. Anger.
33. Pride.
34. Deceit.
35. Greed.
30. Deceit.
31. Greed.
(d) 4 Samjvalana, Perfect-conduct-preventing. This is the slightest
degree of passion and co-exists with self-restraint of a high order. It relates to the four passions of
Jain Education International
(ii) 9 Nokaşaya or Akaṣâya, Quasi-passions, slight or minor passions. 36. Hasya, Laughter; Risible or Laughter-producing.
37. Rati, Indulgence.
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