Gommatsara, Karma-kand
143 Chetanatva, Consciousness ..) are common attributes of the class of
substance, or group of attributes, called Amûrtatva, Immateriality
Soul. Achetanatva, Unconsciousness..) are common to Space, Motion, Rest and
Time. Amûrtatva, Immateriality Achetanatva, Unconsciousness .. 7 are common to Matter. Mürtatva, Materiality
Višeșa guņa are special attributes of a particular substance. These are the attributes which distinguish one group from the others.
Višeșa-guna or special attributes of each substance are : 1. Jiva-Soul 1. Knowledge. In its full form it arises only in the absence of knowledge
obscuring karma. 2. Conation. In its full form it arises only in the absence of conation
obscuring karma. 3. Bliss. In its full form it arises only in the absence of all the four
destructive karmas 4. Power. In its full form it arises only in the absence of obstructive
karmas 5. Right Belief In its full form it arises only in the absence 6. Right Conducts of deluding karma. 7. Avyåvádha, Undisturbable. Neither pleasure nor pain, due to the
absence of vedaniya or feeling karma. 8. Avagâha, Penetrability, due to the absence of age-karma. 9. Agurulaghutva, due to the absence of family-determining karma. 10. Sükşmatva, Fineness due to the absence of body-making karma.
The first six are anujīvi attributes, which co-exist in and constitute the substance.
They arise fully only on the destruction (kşaya) of the four destructive (Ghâtiya) karmas---Conation-and-Knowledge-obscuring, Deluding, and Obstructive.
The last four are pratijīvi attributes, which merely indicate the absence of their opposites. They arise fully on the destruction (kşaya) of the four nondestructive (Aghâtiya) karmas-Feeling, Age, Family-determining and Body-making. 2. Pudgala, Matter has for its special attributes :
1. Touch, 2. Taste, 3. Smell and
4. Colour. 3. Dharma, has for its special attribute the quality of being the medium of motion.
4. Adharma, medium of rest.
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