An Epitome of Jainism (2) the real character of the Jaina Mathematical ideal of an innu
merable number, which although innumerable is still not infinite;
(3) the tremendous, soul-staggering extent of Omniscience.
G. or Jaghanya Yukta Asamkhyata.
Take D and virlana it, or spread it into its units, i.e. write down as many ones as there are units in D. On the top of each one, place a D (called Deya). Multiply all together. The product is Dd. This is equal to G. This is the number of instants (samayas) in an Avalî or wink.
In other words G=D.
M. or Jagbanya Parita-Ananta
Now we come to the other great unknownı M. To find M-Jaghanya Parîta Ananta. Take Jaghanya Asamkhyâta Asamkhyâta, J. which is =G2 = D2d
Treat it to the third degree of Salâkâ-Virlana-Deya, as below. In Salâkâ-Virlana-Deya, there are always three dispositions of the number treated. The first is called Salâkâ. The number kept in this is reduced by one at each completion of process in the next two dispositions. The second disposition is called Virlana. In this, one is placed in as many places as there are units in the number. The third disposition is Deya. It is the number which is given to be placed on the top of every unit in the Virlana. The first Deya is always the number itself.
Let us treat 3 by this method. We place 3 as Salâkâ. We place 3 ones under Virlana; and the Deya is 3.
In the Virlana, on the top of each one we place 3. We multiply all these threes and get 3x3 x3=27. This is the next Deya. Now we reduce the Salâkâ by one. So at the second step we have 2 as Salâkâ; 27 ones as Virlana; and 27 as Deya. The next Deya would be 2727. Now we reduce the Salâkâ by another one. So at the third step we have l as Salâkâ; 2727 ones as Virlana, and 2727 as Deya. The next Deya or the result of Virlana is
Let us express it symbolically thus: 27 4 , which means that 27 is to be written four times, once as a base, then as a power of that base, then as a power of that power and so on.
If we take the last result, i.e. 27 4 , and treat it by the Salâkâ method as we treated the three above, it would be a two-fold treatment. Thus: take 27 4 and treat it as Salâkâ, Vir!ana, Deya, Virlana 27 4 and place on the top of each unit of the Virlana process the number 27 41,
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