enced by the activities of the elements on any of the other planes.
All embodied beings are directly and intuitively connected to this plane. We automatically and subconsciously compare all our experiences with their potentially possible variations. We affirm intuitively whether an experience belongs to our particular reality. Everything that does not agree with the possible variations, is rejected and consequently does not reach our attention.
- The plane of present manifestation (bhava) is that part of reality in which single qualities or features of the elements18 manifest in our present.
On this plane we experience directly how specific features of the elements behave, how they feel like, what reaction they trigger in our consciousness, what meaning they convey to us and how to handle them.
Here is the anchor against which we check our concepts of reality. Here we test if a meaning (nama) concurs with the real qualities (bhava) of an object etc. Here it becomes clear whether the concepts and ideas along which we form our personal reality (sthapana) do or do not match up with that what really exists.
And here finally the planes of articulation (nama), concepts (sthapana) and real manifestation (bhava) can converge to form a unified perception of reality that unlocks new dimensions of our growth.
18 and their combinations
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