Hermann Kuhn
have a bad gut feeling, we are usually unwilling to fundamentally reconsider all our planning or opinions only because of some vague foreboding. Taking recourse in our intellect, we try to pacify our heart by rejecting this kind of ominous intuition as unfounded and illogical.
This conflict between intellect and emotion characterizes our normal intuition: we never know if we should follow it or not, - too often we have been led astray. But irrespective of how often our intuition has been right, - feelings of doubt and insecurity accompany this process and will continue to accompany it in the future.
Intuition that causes our notion of growth (samyag darshana) to rise differs fundamentally from the uncertain premonitions mentioned above.
At the rising of our notion of growth we feel neither doubt nor hesitancy. We experience a sudden understanding, a crystal-like recognition of the blockages that only a second ago obscured our consciousness. It feels as if we finally step into the light, are finally able to see clearly. An immense freedom caused by the dissolution of the blockages is flooding us, - an elation always accompanied by insights into a level of understanding that eluded us before.
Any problem that previously overwhelmed our emotions and our consciousness has disappeared. It became irrelevant as soon as we reached the new level of understanding. Our new understanding separates us from the one-sided perspective that made the problem appear insurmountable. Though none of the physical circumstances might have changed, our disposition is fundamentally altered. We are able to make out a path to a solution; an emotional load falls off our heart and we start feeling the elation mentioned
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