Hermann Kuhn
known, additional energy that makes it easy to steer our life consciously along these five main lines.
The Conventional Interpretation
The above interpretation differs significantly from the way the Jains usually interpret the Five Freedoms. According to their understanding the Five Freedoms are: 1 - To be free from killing or hurting living beings - directly
or indirectly. 2 - To be free from falsehood, deception, lies and dishon
esty. 3 - To be free from taking what is not given voluntarily. 4 - To be free from the inner compulsion that allows sexual
needs to govern our life. 5- To be free from the attachment to material possessions.
The Jains generally interpret the Five Freedoms as 'vows'. Many of them believe that everyone who formally accepts these vows proceeds directly and automatically from the first to the fifth stage of development (gunasthana). However, this general understanding does not correspond with the mechanism of the 14 gunasthanas as it is described in the ancient scriptures. It rather indicates that much of the basic comprehension of this dynamic method of devel. opment has been lost - irrespective of how widely the erroneous understanding may be believed in.
A purely formal acceptance of these vows can never induce the transfer to a higher stage of comprehension and development. Certainly - taking the five vows will mark an initial point from where the development in this direction
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