Hermann Kuhn
as we shy away from again assuming our majestic, unlimited self, we will not depart the limiting experiences we completed long ago, but still continue to cherish.
It is essential to understand that it is entirely our own decision at what time we dissolve our final bonds, and walk the second path that inevitably leads to liberation.
SUTRA 25 विशुद्धिक्षेत्रस्वामिविषयेभ्योऽवधिमनः पर्यययोः ॥ २५ ॥
Visuddhi ksetra svami visayebhyo avadhi manahparyayayoh (25)
Direct mental perception (manah-paryaya) differs from clairvoyance (avadhi) by
- its clarity
- the spatial boundaries in which it functions
- the degree of realization of the perceiver and - the type of the perceived objects. (25)
Both, clairvoyance and direct mental perception reach into regions beyond the range of the five senses. Yet in spite of this common feature significant differences exist between these two channels of knowledge.
Jain Education International
1- Clarity - Direct mental perception cognizes its objects far clearer than clairvoyance and telepathy. It can penetrate into subtle and subtlest aspects, while clairvoyance and telepathy perceive only comparatively gross levels.
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