this pond out of compassion for them.
Thereafter comes the hill of Bhädvä on which there is a templet of Samband Pradumn. They were the sons of Lord Krishna. They too are believed to have become the pupils of Lord Neminäth and attained the liberation on this hill on 13th day of the month of Fälgun. In token of that event, this annual pilgrimage takes place on that day which usually occurs in the month of March. It is known as six Gau pilgrimage. Since one Gau is equivalent to 2 miles, this turns out to be a pilgrimage of 12 miles.
All the Tuks on the hill are enclosed by a continuous surrounding wall. It has only three outlets. One is the gate of Rämpol, the second is the gate of Navtuk and the third is at the end of the walkway separating Motishä Tuk from the main Tuk. That outlet leads to the steps for descending towards the village of Gheti and is therefore known as Ghetini Bäri.
Temple of Siddhächal Shanagär at Ghetini Bäri
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Jain Education International