Description of Temples
53B-Same as Devakulika 52B.
The ceiling towards the entrance is built on a Devakulika 54A-Square on plan it is a domical square plan and is domical of the sabhaman däraka ceiling of the sabhāmandäraka order. It consists of five variety. It consists of five circular courses and circular courses and a circular padmašila. The inner a circular padmašila. The inner face of the first face of the first course is decorated with a row of course is adorned with a row of elephants, while elephants, while its underside shows carving of its underside carries a Kinnara-couple at each creepers at the four corners and a sculptural panel corner and a figural band representing musicians on the two projecting narrow sides. Each panel and dancers on the two projecting narrow sides. depicts a kāyotsarga Jina with worshippers carrying The second is karņadardarika topped by a kirttimukha pitcher, garland and other offerings. The second
band. The third is gajatalu surmounted by a band is padma decorated with two bands of lotus petal
of diamonds and beads. The fourth is decorated and-bud ornament. The third, fourth and fifth
with a row of geese. The fifth carries a sculptural
panel which depicts a seated Acarya with sthapanā pertain to sixteen-foil, twelve-foil and eight-foil
in front and Srävakas hearing his religious discourse. kolas respectively, each bordered by a band of lotus
The padmašila consists of three courses. The first scrolls. The padmašila is composed of three corollas
has eight whorls of four-fold (3+1) kola. The of incurved lotus petals and a stamenal tube adorn
second consists of an eight-foil pointed kola. The ed with one row of petals. The first two corollas
third also consists of an eight-foil pointed kola, but are edged with reverse gajatālus.
its foils are smaller and arranged in a square. In 54B-Square on plan it is a domical ceiling of the the third course of the padmas ila are also set up a sabhapadmamandāraka order. It consists of six cir- quatrefoil and a circular kola, and a stamenal tube cular courses and eight projecting lamas encircling clasped by one row of petals. a padmašila let down in the centre. The inner face of the first course is carved with a row of lions,
Square on plan the ceiling towards the courtywhile its underside depicts an image of lalitäsana
ard is also domical of the sabhämandāraka variety. goddess at each corner and a foliate scroll-band on
It consists of six circular courses and a circular the two projecting narrow sides. The second is
padmašila. The inner face of the first course is karnadardarika topped by a goose-band. The third
decorated with a row of horse-riders, while its is adorned with balcony models. The fourth and
underside reveals creepers at the four corners and fifth are gajatālus, each topped by a band of dia
a foliate scroll-band on the two projecting narrow monds and beads. The sixth consists of an eight
sides. The second is padma decorated with two foil kola, each foil containing a stamenal tube clas
bands of lotus petal-and-bud enrichment and ped by one row of petals. From the third course
topped by a kirttimukha-band. The third is adorproject out eight brackets of Vidyadharas, each
ned with balcony models. The fourth and fifth supporting a bracket figure of Apsarā, the stele of
arelgajatalus, each topped by a band of diamonds which is tenoned into the kola course. The Apsarās
and beads. The sixth consists of eight whorls of are represented dancing, playing on some musical
four-fold (3+1) kola. From the third course pro.
ject out eight brackets of Vidyadharas, each supporinstruments, or bearing garlands; in one instance
ting a bracket figure of Apsara, the stele of waich she is naked. Each of the eight projecting lâmās
is tenoned into the kola course. The pad nafila consists of a quatrefoil and a deeply set circular
consists of two courses, each edged with reverse kola. The padmašila consists of two courses of eight
gajatālu. The first is made up of six whorls of foil and quatrefoil kolas and a stamenal tube termi.
four-fold (3+1) pointed kola. The second consists nating in a mandāraka flower. Each course of the
of an eight-pointed quatrefoil kola and a hollowed padmašila is edged with reverse gajatālu.
out circular kola. In the latter is inserted a stameThe line of devakulikas is broken at the main nal tube clasped by two rows of petals. This bay entrance, but the corridor is continued and shows also contains a toraṇa-arch which is similar to that two usual bays, each containing an ornate ceiling. seen in the nave of the rangamanda pa.
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