Geography and the Religious Sites
places of the fainas. 89 The antiquity of Girnar as mountains etc., by prayers, penances, vows, gifts a laina site may be traced to the time of Neminā: and study, tenfold as much is obtained in Jaina tha, the 22nd Tirthankara, as three of his kalyana- places of pilgrimage; a hundredfold as much at the kas. viz. Diksa, Kevalajñana and Nirvana, are known chaityas of the Jambu tree; a thousandfold as much to have taken place at this place. Krsna's sons, at the eternal Dhätuki-tree, at the lovely chaityas of Sãmbakumära and Pradyumna, and the latter's Pushkaradvipa at Mt. Anjana. Yet tenfold more son Aniruddha and seventy two crore seven hund. is acquired at Nandıśvara, Kundaladri, Mänushotred Jaina Munis are also said to have obtained taraparvata; proportionately ten thousand fold more liberation here, 01 Historically, however, Girnar at the Vaibhara, Sammetadri, Vaitadhya, Meru, came to be known from the time of the Mauryan Raivata and Ashțăpada. Infinitely more, however, king Candragupta.
is obtained at once by the mere sight of Satruñ
jaya."7 Forbes states that "Satruñjaya is one of Girnar has six distinct peaks separated by deep
the most ancient and most sacred shrines of the ravines: the highest of these is dedicated to
Jaina religion. It is described as the first of places Gorakhanatha, and the remotest to Kalka. To
of pilgrimage, the bridal hall of those who would ascend these peaks there is an arrangement of steps
marry everlasting rest; like our own sacred Iona."95 cut in the living rock. After an ascent of nearly 2000 steps and covering a distance of about a mile Shatrunjaya is a siddhaksetra, as here were liberais reached the point where the shoulder of the ted three sons of Pandu and eight crore Dravida mountain terminates in a bare cliff consisting of kings. After his initiation into the Order of Nemi. gigantic masses of black and isolated granite rock. nätha, Gautamakumara obtained salvation at this On the summit of the cliff stands on different levels site.100 Pundar.ka, who was the first Ganadhara of a group of five Jaina temples of which only the Rşabhanatha, performed penances and obtained Neminātha and the Adinātha (Vastupalavihāra) emancipation at this place.101 A well-preserved temples come under the survey of the present marble image of Pundarika dated 1064 V. S. (1007 work.
A. D.) may also be seen in worship there.102 The
holy mountain of Shatrunjaya was visited by a large Shatrunjaya-Shatrunjaya, a hill lying beside the
number of accomplished sages such as Rşabhasena, town of Palitana in the Bhavnagar district, is the
and except for Neminatha all the Jinas from holiest Jaina tirtha in Gujarat. It rises to a height
Nabheya to Vardhamāna visited this place. 108 of nearly 2000 ft. above the plains. Among the five most sacred hills of the Jainas the name of Shatrun- Shatrunjaya is an isolated hill rising gently from jaya is also included. It is sacred to the memory the plains into twin summits linked together by a of Adinatha, who patronised it more than any other shallow valley. After a toilsome ascent of about place, visiting it ninety nine purvas of times before two and a half miles upon the shoulder of the his Niruāņa,94
mountain is arrived at the sight of the island-like It is known by different names. Dhanesvarasuri,
hill, which is formed of rocks of very beautiful who wrote a Māhatmya on Shatrunjaya, calls it by
colour and is adorned with numerous Jaina temples. one hundred eight names.95 In this list the names
The total flight is completed into two stages, the of Abu and Girnar are also included. This descrip
first by an ascent of about 2500 steps cut in the tion appears to be of the eulogy type, for the above
living rock and the second by an unpaved footpath. two hills are not linked but stand far apart from
At present there are more than a hundred temples each other. Jinaprabhasūri calls it by twenty-one
built into fortified walls called tunks. The northern names, five of which were forgotten during the
summit called Nava-tunk consists of nine tunks of
which the Caumukha-tunk is the most imposing course of time.
one. The valley comprises two tunks, viz. Motisäha About the sanctity of this place Dhanesvarasüri and Balabhai, and has terraces and gardens. The writes: "whatever purity may be obtained in any temples on the southern summit are going by the other artificial places of pilgrimage tours, groves, name of Dadāji or Adisvara Bhagavāna tunk. The
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