Historical and Cultural Background
king, who took refuge under the Räştrakūta king temple of this period is a small Jaina temple Dhavala of Hastikundi.168 According to some located at Than. scholars, however, the defeated Gurjara king was Durlabharaja had no son to succeed him, and the Pratihära chief of Ujjain. 150 Although hence he abdicted the throne in favour of Bhima I Mūlarāja was victorious in most of his campaigns, (circa 1023-1065 A. D.), the son of Nāgarāja. Soon probably he suffered a defeat at the hands of the after his accession Bhima had to face a disastrous Kalacuri king Lakşmanaräja II.160
raid by Mahmud of Ghazni, who overran Gujarat
and robbed Somnath in 1025 A. D. Some time The empire of Mülarāja was an extensive one, stretching from Sanchor (Jodhpur) in the north to
before 1031 A. D. he had to deal with his feudatory
chief, Paramāra Dhandhuka of Abu, who had Narmada in the south, and Sabarmati in the east to Saurashtra and Kutch in the west. Mülaraja
revolted against him. For this task he deputed
Vimala, who, having been successful, was appoinwas a great builder. He built a Jaina temple called Mülarājavasahika at Anahilapātaka.161
ted Dandanāyaka of that province. Subsequently,
however, Dhandhuka was reinstated at the instance The Pattāvalis reveal that king Raghusena built a
of Vimala. Probably Dhandhuka once again reshrine to Rşabhadeva at Rāmasainyapura (near
volted, but he was suppressed and the ArbudaDeesa in north Gujarat), and the image of Candra
mandala had since become a part of the Caulukya prabha was installed therein by Sarvadevasuri in
dominion. Bhima imprisoned the Paramāra V. S. 1010 (953 A. D.), 169 The epigraphical
ruler Krşņarāja of the Bhinamäla Branch, but records also refer to the shrine of Raghusena,108
the captive was released by Cahamāna Anahilla About this time Kunkaņa built a Jaina temple at
of Nádola. Bhima also defeated Hammuka, the Candravati.164 A copper plate issued in V. S. 1033
king of Sindh. When Bhima had gone to Sindh, (976 A. D.) by Yuvarāja Cāmundaraja makes men
Paramāra Bhoja sacked Anahila pataka. After his tion of a Jaina temple at Varunasarmaka (modern
return Bhima joined hands with Kalacuri LakşmiVadsama in Mehsana district).165 The older
karna and conjointly attacked Malwa. In this portion of the Adinātha temple at Vadnagar is also
combat Bhoja died and the Paramāra armies were attributable to this period. The last one is the
routed. But soon after Jayasimha I recovered the only surviving Jaina temple of the time of
Paramära kingdom with the help of Calukya Mülarāja.
Vikramāditya VI, and the Caulukyas and the After Mülaraja his son Cāmundarāja (circa 996- Kalacuris were forced to quit the Malwa region. 169 1009 A. D.) ascended the Caulukya throne. He During the reign of Bhima the Caulukya kingdefeated Paramāra Sindhurāja, the younger brother dom grew in power and prosperity. This is attestof Muñia, but probably he lost his hold over Läta. ed by the erection of two magnificent Jaina temples, Camunda had three sons, viz. Vallabharāja, Dur- viz. the Adinātha temple at Abu and the Mahävira labharāja and Nägarāja, and was succeeded by temple at Kumbharia. The Adinātha temple was Vallabharāja, who ruled for a period of six months built by his Dandanayaka Vimala, who is also only and was succeeded by Durlabharāja (circa known to have erected a temple to Adinātha at 1009-1023 A. D.). The most important event of Arāsana, which does not exist now.170 his reign is his victory over Läta. The Lāţa ruler
Bhima was succeeded by his youngest son Karna Kirtipala was defeated and his kingdom annexed to
(circa 1065-1093 A. D.). He defeated a Mālava the Caulukya territory. He ruled the territory of
king, but later he had to suffer reverses at the almost the same size as that of Mūlarāja 100
latter's hands. He tried to measure his strength in There are some Jaina edifices which may be southern Marwad but was repulsed by Cahamăna ascribed to the reigns of these rulers. In or before Pșthvipāla of Nãdola. He attacked and killed a V. S. 1073 (1016 A. D.) a temple to Pärsvanātha Bhilla chieftain named Asă, who lived at Agāpalli. was built at Anahilapätaka.167 In Anahilapātaka modern Asaval near Ahmedabad. He married Durlabharaja built an Upāsraya for the Jainas.188 Mayanallādevi, the daughter of the Kadamba But these do not exist now. The only extant Jaina King Jayakesin of Goa, in 1070 A, D,171
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