Jaina Temples of Western India
pitha : The basement; the member between the ground and the vedibandha. prabhamandala: A halo. prahāra : The base of the Sikhara comprising two or three mouldings. prakāra : An enclosure wall around the temple. praņāla: A gargoyle like spout to discharge water. Prasasti : An eulogy. Pratihāra : A guardian. pratiratha: A buttress between the bhadra and the karna. pratyalidha: A mode of standing sideways in which the left knee is thrown to the front and the leg
retracted, while the right leg is diagonally stretched behind. protyanga: A miniature Sikhara half the size of the uromasjari; it is a companion of the uppermost
uromafjari. rājasenaka : A deep fillet, generally decorated with diamond-and-double volute pattern; it is the
lowermost rnoulding of a balustraded wall. rajoharana : A broom for removing dust particles, insects, etc., used by the Jaina monks and nuns. rangamandapa: An open hall in front of the mukhamandapa (rarely güdhamandapa); it is a hall for
theatrical performances. ratha: A buttress. rathika : A framed sculptured panel at the base of the Sikhara. ratnapattika: A moulding of the wall decorated with diamonds. rekha : The curvature of the Sikhara. rekhadeul : The sanctum with curvilinear spire in Orissan temples. rūpakantha : A figural belt in the ceiling decorated with seated and niched figures of goddesses. It
also carries bracket figures of Vidyadharas. rūpapattika: A figural belt in the ceiling decorated with various sculptures. Tāpatakha: A moulding of the door frame adorned with human figures. täpastambha : A shaft type moulding of the doorframe bearing figures of goddesses in niches. sabhamandāraka : A composite ceiling consisting of sabhāmārga and mandāraka elements. sabhā mārga : A ceiling specially built in the sabhamandapa (rangamandapa) consisting of such courses
as padma, karnadardarika, rūpakantha, kola, gajatälı, etc. sabhābadmamandāraka : A composite ceiling consisting of sabhā mārga, padmaka and mandāraka elements. fakha: A moulding of the doorframe. Śalabhañjikā : A female bracket figure leaning upon boughs of tree. salilāntara : A vertical recess between the buttresses of the wall and fikhara to drain rain water. samaksipta : A composite ceiling consisting of samatala and kşipta elements. samatala: A ceiling having plain or ornate flat surface. samautkşipta : A composite ceiling consisting of samatala and utksipta elements. Samavasarana : A congregation hall built by celestial beings, where gods, men and animals
assemble to listen the discourse of a Tirthankara. In art, a circular fortified structure
surmounted by a quadruple of Jina. samvaranā : A bell-roof. sāndhāra-prasada : The sanctum with an inner ambulatory. farikha: A conch. sa parikara : An image having a parikara. saptaratha: A surface endowed with seven rathas as in a temple wall or pedestal, saptafākha : A doorframe consisting of seven bands or mouldings, $ardila: A mythical animal with leonine features,
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