Jalna Temples of Western India
It measures 150 ft. long, 100 ft. wide and 117 ft. But the central plane of the kumbha on the karnas high. The temple is a double-storeyed structure, and pratirathas bears sculptured niches containing the lower storey is to be seen but from within, while images of four-armed lalitasana goddesses. The the upper one is a secret storey concealed from view upper three mouldings of the vedibandha are underand the ingress to it is obtained from the gūdhama- lined with leaves. ndapa by an uncomfortable wooden ladder. The
Pierced into the karnika, antarapatra and grāsatemple has considerably suffered in the hands of
patti, on the north, is a large but beautiful makarathe renovators. On its wall is an inscription of
praņāla (Fig. 79). 1585 A. D. recording a restoration made during the time of Akbar. During recent years the entire
The jangha is divided into two registers, the temple has been retouched.
lower being higher than the upper. Supported by
a narapatřikā and underlined with leaves, the lower Malaprasada
jarigha bears images of four-armed standing dikpalas It is caluranga on plan, consisting of bhadra, on the karnas and of eight-armed dancing Yaksis nandika, pratiratha and karna, each of the latter two and Vidyadevis on the pratirathas and the nandikās angas being broken into seven planes which are (Fig. 78). Standing on a console carved with lotus reduced to five above the pitha. The karya and
stem, each image is framed between two segmented pratiratha are not only equilateral but they also
circular pilasters topped by dhatūra foliage capitals have the same proportion. Between the angas are
and is canopied by a double-course udgama pediment salilāntaras. The salilantaras between the karnas and
bearing figures of squated monkeys on the corners. pratirathas are reinforced with koņikas which gradu
The upper half of each pilaster is clasped on the ally become diminished in the pitha. The frontal outer flank by a siṁhavyāla with an elephant below karna and pratiratha of the sanctum and the rear and a makara above. These deities are represented karna of the gūdhamandapa are transmuted in a wide on the foremost plane of the jangha, while the rear buffer wall which separates the sanctum from the
planes are occupied by charming figures of Apsarās, güdhamandapa.
two flanking each deity. The Apsaräs also appear
on the two faces of the koņikās. The Apsarās are In elevation it displays pitha, mandovara and shown in gayful dancing poses, sometimes carrying dikhara. The bitha consists of two bhittas--the lower a knife. In two instances she is completely naked. showing flamboyant motif in semi circles, and in another instance she is depicted as securing her the upper the ardhapadma pattern-, a minor lower garment which is being carried down by a kumuda, a plain patika, a jadyakumbha, a karnika, monkey rode on her thigh. Above the Apsarās are a narrow antarabatra decorated with stepped diamo- shown seated amorous-couples, followed above by nds, a chadyaki ornamented with caitya-arch device, kāšas sheltering lalitasana goddesses with attendant
kūtas sheltering lalitasan and a grāsapatti.
figures. The udgama oversects on top a deep fillet The mandovara is divided into three parts, viz.
carved with lotus scrolls. The narapaffika supporvedibandha, jangha and varandika. The vedibandha
ting the jarigha depicts figures of dancers and consists of a khura, kumbha, kalasa, antarapatra deco
musicians, warriors and fighters, horse-riders, elerated with stepped diamonds, kapota carved with
phants with drivers, Acărya with disciples, lions, ud gama pattern, mancikä embellished with caitya
man fighting with lion, duel scenes, goddesses, arch pattern, and a patrika carved with rosette
padmasana Jinaslustrated by elephants, and marked diamonds. The khura is divided into two
mithuna scenes. horizontal belts, the lower being plain, and the The upper jangha is supported by a marcika upper showing carving of lotus scrolls on all except which resembles the one seen in the vedibandha, the central plane of the karna and pratiratha, as here but here it carries lambanas underneath. It disit depicts udgama pattern. The body of the kumbha plays images of Yakşas and dikpalas on the karnas is decorated with half diamonds, while the shoulder and of Yaksis and Vidyadevis on the pratirathas, all is adorned with a band of diamonds and beads. having four arms and represented in the standing
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