Description of Temples
3. Maham. Candapa (great great grand- Niche IX 1. Maham. Jitasi (Jaitrasithha, son of father of Vastupāla-Tejapāla).
· Vastupāla and Lalitādevi). 4. Mahan. Cāṁpaladevi (wife of Cand
2. Maham Jetalade (wife of Jaitrasimha,. apa).
3. Maham. Jaṁmanade (second wife of
Jaitrasimha). Niche II 1. Maham. Candaprasada (son of Cand
4. Mahat. Rūpāde (third wife of Jaitrapa).
asimha). 2. Maham. Câmpaladevi (wife of Cand
It is to be noted that the elephant in front of each aprasāda).
of these niches was in memory of the male member Niche III 1. Maham. Soma (son of Candapr. of the family of Tejapäla figuring in the corresponasada).
ding niche. Thus the first elephant, according to 2. Mahań. Sitādevi (wife of Soma).
the label on the pedestal, had on it a sculpture of
Candapa, on the second rode Candaprasāda, and 3. Maham. Asana (son of Soma ?).
so on and so forth. The sequence, however, is Niche IV 1. Mahań. Asarāja (son of Soma). broken in the tenth niche noted below, since the 2. Mahan. Kumāradevi (wife of Soma). elephant had on it a sculpture of Lävanyasimha,
son of Tejapala and Anupamadevi, while the niche Niche V 1. Mahaṁ. Lūniga (son of Asarāja and
has a portrait of Suhadasimha. elder brother of Vastupäla-Tejapāla). 2. Maham. Lūnādevi (wife of Lūniga). Niche X 1. Maham. Suhadasimha (son of Teja
pāla and Suhadādevi). Niche VI 1. Maham. Mäladeva (another brother of 2. Maham. Suhadade (wife of SuhadaVastupāla-Tejapāla).
simha). 2. Maham. Līlādevi (wife of Mäladeva).
3. Maham. Salaşaņāde (second wife of 3. Maham. Pratāpadevi (second wife of
Suhadasimha). Maladeva).
All these sculptures of the Srāvakas and Srāvikäs
carry garlands of bakula flowers and wear various Niche VIII. Mahań. Vastupāla (brother of Teja
ornaments. The Srävakas also have a beard and pāla). There is a parasol over his
are accompanied by small figures of male and head. The image, as the inscription female attendants. shows, was made by Sutradhāra Varasā.
In the first niche the Acāryas are shown carry2. Mahan. Lalitādevi (wife of Vastupala). ing rajoharana in the left hand. while t 3. Maham. Vejaladevi (second wife of hand is held in jñānamudra. The Acāryas a Vastupāla).
omanied by small figures of Jaina monks represe
nted on both sides of their feet. Niche VIII 1. Mahań. Tejapāla (brother of Vastupāla and builder of this temple).
According to the Jaina tradition, Minister TejaThis sculpture was also fashioned by
pāla erected this temple at a cost of twelve crore Sūtradhāra Varasā (Fig. 106).
fifty three lacs.84 The architect of the temple 2. Maham. Anupamādevi (wife of Tej. was Sobhanadeva, who was a great artist of his apāla).
There is a group of five Jaina temples, all built of white marble and facing the north. They are nirandhāra-prāsādas, each standing on a lofty jagati which is laid out on no specific plan but on the sloping level surfaces as the contour of the
hills naturally provides. Consequently it displays more courses on the front than at the rear (Fig. 22). The jagati is composed of hewn blocks of masonry, and its courses are so devised as to form a sort of revetment against the lateral thrust,
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