Falna Temples of Western India
square courses. The first is a square frame treated Devakulika 39A. The second depicts eight depresas padma. It is decorated with stencilled lotus sed lämās arranged in a diagonally set square. petals, and is surmounted by a band of projecting Each of these lamās consists of a quatrefoil and a ardhapadma pattern and a band of geese. The circular kola. In the centre of the ceiling is a second displays nābhicchanda element which is repre- square, the corners of which are broken by threesented by five depressed lämās, viz. four in the quarter circular kolas containing campaka flowers. four corners and one in the centre. Arranged in Inside the square are a deeply cut quatrefoil kola diagonal order each of these limās consists of a and a small stamenal tube terminating in campaka quatrefoil and a circular kola. Between the tümās flower. On the bordering lines of the ceiling are are inserted circular kolas. The square frame rai- seen semi-circular kolas. The ceiling is raised up sing up the ceiling is carved with a band of kirtti- by a square frame of four rectangular slabs carved mukhas.
with a band of kiritimukhas. 39B-Square on plan it is a ksipta vitana of the 41B-Square on plan it is a samaksipla ceiling näbhicchanda order. It displays sixteen depressed of the nabhicchanda variety. The näbhicchand ele. lūmās in four lines of four each, all arranged in ment is represented by circular kolas scooped out diagonal order. Each līmā consists of a quatrefoil in the surface of the ceiling. The ceiling is raised and a circular kola. Between the lämās are inserted up by a frame of four rectangular slabs carved circular kolas. The ceiling is raised up by a square with a band of kirttimukhas. frame of four rectangular slabs carved with ardha
The next three devakulikās have been built padma pattern.
during recent years by closing up the southern Devakulika 40A-This ceiling closely corresponds entrance of the temple. These devakulikäs are not to that noticed in Devakulika 37B, but the persent numbered. As regards their ceilings, the A in ceiling is rectangular on plan and the plaques are each is new, but the B is old and is described here twenty-four in number, arranged east-west in four as Devakulika I, II and III. lines of six each.
Devakulika IB-Square on plan this ceiling con40B-This is a samautksipta ceiling of the man- sists of two square courses. The first is a square daraka variety. It is built on a rectangular plan, frame treated as padna. It is decorated with lotus but its space is reduced to a square by a frame of petal-and-bud ornament and is crowned by a band four rectangular slabs carrying similar decorations of geese. The second is samatala. Its square flat as we find on those of Devakulika 38A. The square surface shows, one within the other, four square flat surface, which depicts the mandaraka element, bands. The first carries a depressed lümā at each is divided into five concentric circular bands. The corner and a scroll-band on each side. Each lamā first consists of sixteen-foil kola bearing kirttimukhas is made up of a quatrefoil and a circular kola. on the triangular spaces. The second diplays The second is like a quadrate type of Cross dissixteen-foil smaller but pointed kola carrying playing three-quarter circular kola on each arm and kirttimukhas at points. The third, edged with a trefoil kola at each corner of the square. The reverse gajatālu, pertains to sixteen-foil still smaller four arms of the Cross overlap the scroll-band of but pointed kola having kirttimukhas on the tria- the first square. The third, resembling a lozenge ngular spaces. The fourth shows an eight-foil with corners chamfered in three angles, accommopointed kola with kirttimukhas occupying the dates an eight-foil kola and is edged with reverse triangular spaces. The fifth (central) consists of gajatālu. The fourth is like the third but has a a circular kola and a stamenal tube clasped by two flower bud in the centre. The ceiling is raised up rows of petals. At each corner of the ceiling is by a frame of four rectangular slabs, which slightly represented in high relief a large figure of kirttimu- project out into the space of the ceiling. The kha spewing creepers.
inner face of the frame is adorned with ardhapadma Devakulika 41A-Square on plan it consists of pattern, while its underside is carved with half two square courses. The first is like that seen in diamonds,
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