Description of Temples
flat surface divided up into four compartments by framework of four rectangular slabs placed two straight lines placed crosswise. Along these over the architraves. The inner face of the square lines are shown circular kolas, while each compart- frame is decorated with ardhapadma pattern, while ment contains a depressed lämā. Each lima consists its two undersides are represented with lotus petals. of an eight-foil and a circular kola; the four corners The ceiling proper is composed of six courses and a of the compartment are occupied by kirttimukhas. circular padmafila. The first course is octagonal The ceiling is raised up by a frame of four rectan- and the others are circular. The inner face of the gular slabs. The inner face of these slabs carries a first course is decorated with a row of geese, while kirttimukha-band, while their two projected under- its underside at each corner depicts a large figure sides represents a row of campaka flowers.
of kirttimukha carved in high relief. The second is
carved with a strip of diamonds. The third and Devakulika 16A-Square on plan it is a ksipta
fourth are padmas, each adorned with lotus petal
fo ceiling of the nābhicchanda variety. It is represent
and-bud ornament. The fifth carries a series of ed by sixteen depressed lūmās arranged in four lines
circular pendants, each set up in bunch of leaves. of four each. Each lama consists of a six-foil and a
The sixth is cut out with lotus petal-and-bud ornacircular kola. The east-west dividing lines are
ment. The padmašila consists of three courses of carved with diamonds and beads. The triangular
twelve-foil, eight-foil and quatrefoil kolas respecspaces left at corners of the lamās are occupied by
tively. In the centre of the quatrefoil kola is kirttimukhas and concave-sided carved diamonds.
represented a lotus bud. The square frame lifting up the ceiling bears decoration of ardhapadma motif on the inner face and a 19B-This ceiling is located in front of Devafoliate scroll-band on the two narrow undersides. kulika 19. It is rectangular on plan, but its space
is reduced to a square by two successive courses of 16B-Square on plan it is samatala. The square flat surface is relieved with the life-story of Pärsva
four rectangular slabs each. This is done by placnätha.60 The ceiling is raised up by a square frame
ing two slabs of the shorter sides across the longer
sides. The inner face of the first course is carved of four rectangular slabs bearing decoration of
with a kirttimukha-band, while its two undersides ardhapadma pattern on the inner face and a row of
show two bands of lotus petal-and-bud ornament. campaka flowers on the two narrow undersides,
The inner face of the second course is carved with Devakulikā 17—Square on plan this ceiling is ardhapadma pattern, while its two undersides depict made by cutting off the corners, comprising three a row of campaka flowers. tiers of nine slabs. The inner face of the first tier
The ceiling proper is made by cutting off the is decorated with lotus scrolls, while the underside
corners, comprising three tiers of nine slabs. The of each triangular slab depicts a bold kirttimukha
inner face of the first tier is carved with a row of spewing creepers. The second is similar to the first,
geese, while the underside of each triangular slab but its inner face is decorated with a strip of dia.
is relieved with caitya-arch formed of creepers. The monds. The central square slab forming the third
second is similar to the first. The square slab pertier is carved with an eight-pointed quatrefoil kola
taining to the third tier is divided into two conaccommodating a circular plaque of reverse gajatālu; centric circular bands, each depicting lotus petalat each corner of the square is represented a kirlti- and-bud ornament; at each corner of the square is mukha. The ceiling is raised up by a square frame a kiritimukha. of four rectangular slabs showing carving of ardhapadma motif on the inner face and a band of leaves
Devakulika 21-Square on plan it is samatala. It
depicts thirty-six campaka flowers in six on the two narrow undersides.
lines of six
each. The spaces between the flowers are filled Devakulikās 18-20A-This ceiling, located in with concave-sided diamonds. The whole is front of Devakulika 19, is domical of the placed in a border of diamonds and beads. The sabhämandāraka order. It is built on a rectangu- ceiling is raised up by a frame of four rectangular lar plan, but its space is reduced to a square by a slabs bearing decoration of ardhapadma on the inner
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