‘Perfect Tranquillity' is made alive through the expressions over the face of this ‘Levitating Tirthankara'.
1. (a) See, Shivaramamurti; (g) p. 239, Illustration No. 342.
(b) Arnheim, Rudolf, An and Visual Perception : A psychology of the creative eye, The new version, Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1974. The Power of the Centre : A Study of Composition in the Visual Arts, revised edition, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London,
University of California Press, 1983. 3. Jain, G.R. “Space time and the Universe”, in Third
International Jain Conference Souvenir (Perspectives in Jain Philosophy and Culture), New Delhi, Ahimsa International,
1985. 4. Jain, S.A., Reality, English Translation of Shri Pujyapada's
Savarthasiddhi, Calcutta, Vira Sasana Sangha, 1960. 5. Malvania, D., (Gen. Edt.), Dixit, K.K., (Trans.), P.T. Sukhlalji's
Commentary on Tattavrtha Sutra of Vacaka Umasvati, Ahmedabad, L.D. Institute of Indology, 1974. पण्डित फूलचन्द सिद्धान्त शास्त्री ( सं. अनु. ), आर्चाय पूज्य पादवृत सर्वार्थ सिद्धि,
ATTTET, Rita 411416 467 Ft, fec. . 1971. 7. Radhakrishnan, S. and Moore, C.A, (Edts.) A Source Book in
Indian Philosophy, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University
Press, 6th printing, 1967. 8. Shah, P., Visnu Dharmottara-Purana, Third Khanda, Vol. II (A
Study on a Sanskrit Text of Ancient Indian Arts), Baroda,
Oriental Institute, 1961. 9. Sivaramamurty, C., Panorama of Jain Art; New Delhi, The
Times of India, 1983. 10. Illustrations : 1. Photograph of the Bronze, 2. Vector's graph of
the Bronze.
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