278 / The Rāstrakūțas and Jainism
the grantee and to preserve the grant, and quote six benedictive and imprecatory verses (37-42), ascribed to Vyāsa.
(L. 57.) This has been written by the bhõgika Vatsarāja, an official in the court of justice, born in the clan ofthe Vaļabha Kāyasthas, the son of Sriharsha and servant of Nāgavarman Prithvirāma, keeper of village records and warelephant of writers.
(V. 43.) The chief (adviser) of Bankēyarāja, the wise Mahattara Ganapati, who is near the Rājā's person, has executed all this.
(V.44.) Ever victorious, like a royal edict, be this doctrine of the Jinas, which destroys the false doctrines of people who are filled with an excessive pride arising from ignorance; which brings about the true happiness of all who act in obedience to the commands of the wise; which is the place of glory of the excellent syādvāda by which things appear under manifold forms, and grants the quintessence of good conduct!
(V.45.) Victorious be the holy sage Mēghachandra, who is the moon to the ocean of the nectar of established truths, the sun to the lotus-reasoning, the one continuous stream of nectar to the garden - speech, the crest-jewel of the lords among contemplative saints; whose lofty second name of Traividya is truly appropriate; who has shaken off the god of love, and is a thunderbolt to the mountain - other creeds!
(V. 46.) Manifestly, the fame, pervading the world, of this Mēghachandra, the foremost of devotees, has shone forth and entered (here), glittering like the fibres of the waterily (and) lovely like the bulbous root of the plantain tree, saying (to itself), "Lo! the flock of female hamsas begin to think of drinking; the collection of female chakora birds approach to peck with their beaks; īsa gives orders for the decoration of his matted hair; (and) Krishṇa is eager to choose (an occupant) for his couch."
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