(3) na Samananiya Ambikavamurter=jirnoddhara khattakadcayalam
kritaya devaku(4) likava jirnoddharah Tha. Suhadasimhena Karitah
Figure 88 :- AMBIKA IMAGE (fine white marble) lying in a niche to the right on the outside of the antechamber of the Neminatha temple at Prabhāsapāțan. The weapons and the conveyance of this image are identical with those of the Fig. 87. Still the two images show different workmanship.
Plate 42 Figure 89:-SARASVATI. This fine marble image is fixed exactly opposite the Ambikā image (fig. 87) in the Dada-Pārsvanātha temple at Prabhāsa-pāțaņ. She holds a lotus in the upper right hand, a rosary in the lower right hand, a lute in the upper left hand, and a book in the lower left hand. To the right of the image is the figure of lady that got the image fashioned and the vahana of the godd the swan, near the left leg. Standing images of Sarasvati are very rare. The pedestal bears an inscription which reads:
Samvat 1323 Vaisakha Sudi 9.
Figure 90:-SARASVATI (white marble; seated). From another Jaina temple in Prabhāsa-ratan. The weapons she holds are similar to those in fig. 89.
Plate 43 Figure 91:-SRI-CHAKRESVARI. This four-handed image is found in a niche on the left of the Vastupāla-Tejahpala tuk on the Girnar Hill. There is a discus in each of the upper hands a rosary in the lower right hand and a conch in the lower left hand.
Figure 92 :-An unidentified sculpture from Diu. It is a loose sculpture from a Jina temple at Diu (Kathiāwād). It appears to be a Hindu image.
Plate 44 Figure 93:-SRI-MANIBHADRAJI. from the Tapagachchha Upasraya at Prabhäsapātana. The devout pilgrims have besmeared it with much oil and red lead.
Figure 94:-SRI-MANIBHADRAJI-white marble image placed in a niche behind the Mulanayaka in the above temple (fig. 92).
Plate 45 Figure 95 :-SRI-SARASVATIDEVI. The four-armed image of the goddess is in a small shrine in a narrow pass which one sees on the right, just while starting to climb the Satruñjaya Hill. As the image
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