Plate Figure 93 176 A richly carved pillar at Ajārā.
177 Another view of the pillar. 94 178 The death place of Sri Hiravijayasuri. 179 Interior of Somanātha temple,
Prabhāsa-Patan. 95 180 Some wall sculptures on the Somanātha temple 181 Ajayapāla's Chorā,
Ajārā. 96 182 Main entrance of the Somanātha temple.
183 General view of the Jaina temples at Prabhāsa-Patan. 97 184 Entrance of Chandraprabha's temple,
185 Carved stone pillars, 98 186 Old carved pillars from Uparkot,
Jünāgadh. 187 Old architecture at Uparkot. 99 188 A Jaina image carved in a wall on the Uparkot-Jūnāgadb. 189 Entrance door of the main temple in the Merakavasi's
Tūk-Girnār. 100 190 Specimen of old sculpture
Uperkot. 191 Rock-cut well 101 192 Entrance to the
Girnār Hill-Jūnāgadh. 193 Sri Neminātha's temple
Girnär. 102 194 Kumārapāla's Tak
195 Ceiling from a temple in Merakavasi's Tuk 103 196 Merakavasi's Tak
197 Another ceiling from a temple on Merakavasi's , 104 198 Another Jina image carved in a wall on the Uperkot jūnagadh. 199 Third ceiling of Merakavasi's
Tūk Girnār. 105 200 Back-portion of Vastupāla's
temple Girnar. 201 The mandovara of Vastupāla's 106 202 A ceiling in the Vastupāla's
203 A ceiling of the Sāntinātha's 107 204 Vastupāla's
Tūk (view from the west) Girnar 205 Back view of the five Pandavas'
temple Girnar 108 206 Tūk of Samprati Mahārāja 207 The exquisite carving of Samprati's
Tūk Girnār. 109 208 West portion of Samprati's
209 View of main Tük from the way to Sahasāvana 110 210 Sri Rahanemi's
Tūk Girnār. 211 Sri Imbika's
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