Indian Ethnicity and Religious Heritage
is called "Ajiva". All sentient beings of this universe are having their bodies which, by themselves are not able to function. To act and function properly they require energy which is supplied by their soul. This means that the mechanism of this universe is functioning only through the joint action of the two basic elements called Jiva and Ajiva. THis analysis comes very close to the physical science which says that this universe has come into existence on account of a "Big Bang" which is a magnificent and buge explosion. Every explosion needs two tyopes of elements to collide against each other. Jain belief is just similar to this process as it believers that all human actions are the rsult of the joint action of "Jiva" and "Ajiva". If jiva does not supply its energy to "Ajiva" there would be no action. Science further says that every action results in reaction with equal force. Hence the interaction between Jive and Ajiva finally results in a vast and variegatd phenomena of human existence.
The point to be noted is that this process of action and reaction is quite automatic which does
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