ESSAYS AND ADDRESSES in a certain measure with respect to the doctrines of the Christian creed. The message of Jainism to all other religions is thus not one of hostility or hatred in any sense, but one of sympathy and good will. In fact we want you all to understand the true principles embedded in your own religion, and are confident that when this is done in the true spirit of the seeker after the truth the claim of Jainism that Religion is a Science will be readily accepted, and acceptable then will also be its Scientific Siddhanta and its central position as a practical religion among all faiths !
With reference to the doctrine of ahimsî, too, we need not entertain any fear about its clashing with civilisation, to the destruction of the latter. Certainly, mankind will be gainer by the destruction of what is cruel, barbarous, and harmful to the real requirements and aspirations and needs of the immortal soul. Why should we lament if wars are ended, if the slaughter of innocent animals for food is stopped, if harmony and goodwill reign among nations of men ? The claims of vegetarianism have now been sufficiently demonstrated in a scientific manner to superiority over animal diet, and it is time that we ceased to develop further the unmerciful instinct of slaughter that is directly nourished by flesh foods. Let love prevail amongst men ; let us only strive to emulate with one another in respect of service and the helping of the needy. In a word, let the glorious message of Jainism, that is, AHIMSA PARAMO DHARMÂH (non-injuring is the highest Religion) reverberate throughout the continents and seas, and let it extend the gift of Life to all. Let us also not fail to contribute our share to the Peace and Joy of the World of Life!
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