The saint perfected in respect of Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct, becomes a God, on separating himself completely from matter. I have no time to go into the metaphysical aspect of Right Action, but in a general way, I may say that the cause of the association of Spirit and Matter is the element of desire for the enjoyment of the “good things” of the world. In consequence of this element of weakness, the soul is constantly attracting to itself and absorbing large quantities of subtle invisible material which combines with it and becomes the cause of its bondage. This is the bondage of karmas, and it is destroyed only when salvation is obtained. If salvation is not obtained, the soul continues to undergo re-incarnation. Life in embodied form is always full of misery and pain and suffering ; there is no such thing as happiness for the unemancipated. And even when we think that we have much to make us happy, we really hide our true feelings from ourselves. For no one who has the fear of death, disease and calamity before him can ever be truly happy. Furthermore, the sufferings of those who are dear and near to us are sufficient to mar the few moments of joy that we may be able to obtain in our own lives. And what of the lower forms of life into which the soul might pass any day? When even the human life is not able to secure to us the joy that we seek, how is it possible to have it in the lower kingdoms? Thus reflecting, the soul of the knower of Truth is ever spurred on towards Right Conduct, replacing at first its vices by corresponding virtues, and finally perfecting itself in the position of sainthood, whence God hood is the next higher step ! Godhood attained, the Soul that is now completely rid of matter, immediately ascends to the topmost part of the Universe to reside there for ever in the enjoyment of immortality, omniscience and bliss. There is never any kind of fall from this Supreme Seat, and all the other divine qualities than those enumerated appertain to it.
Amongst the vices to be given up, the very first is the causing of injury to any living being. This is known as AHIMSÅ (from a, not, and himsa, injuring). The Right Believer, who aspires to become a God, must abstain from the killing of animal life for good or in sport, from the very moment that he turns to the Light Divine. Other gross vices must also be given up at the same time. Thereafter the path
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