only place where reform is needed in religion is in regard to ritualistic superstition and the language of mysticism which says one thing and means another. Your duty here also is clear: to re-establish the scientific truth as taught by the Tirthamkaras and to dispel the ignorance of others. As for the non-Jainas, I think they would willingly accept the scientific explanation of Jainism if they only -understood their own respective creeds. The study of comparative religion will prove to be of the utmost value in the ascertainment of truth, and you should popularise it as much as lies in your power. Your attitude in matters religious should be characterised by toleration and sympathy, but without compromising the truth itself.
So much for the reforming of others. As for the clash of ideals with reference to one's own self, you will notice that all kinds of ideals fall under the following four categories :
(1) Dharma (religion), (2) Artha (wealth and prosperity), (3) Kāma (pleasure), and
(4) Moksha (salvation). Now, the rule with regard to these ideals is that the first three of them are meant for the householder and the fourth exclusively for the sãdhu who has completely withdrawn himself from the world. This rule at once furnishes an easy solution of all those grave difficulties which arise in connection with the putting into practice of such injunctions as offering the other cheek, the selling off and giving away of everything in charity, and the like. Of course, there are not many who can make these commandments their motto in daily life ; and it has always been a difficult question with the non-Jainas as to what might be the cash value of such injunc tions when practically nobody can live up to them. The fact is that they are only meant for the man who has passed the householder's stage and has stepped or is about to step into sannyāsa (sainthood of asceticism). If the householder did not resist evil or gave away hii cloak also on being asked to part with his coat, the world would be overrun by evil, and there would be an end to religion
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