Ladies and Gentlemen,
I must now turn to those who have completed their studies in this school and are going to leave us. Some of them will, no doubt, pursue their studies in a College elsewhere ; but the rest go out into the world to learn their lesson of life direct from its contact. It is with these that I am principally concerned at present, though my observations apply equally to all students and others who are entering or are about to enter the world, which is characterised by a deadly struggle for existence and where none but the fittest survive, as modern Science, with characteristic 'scientific' callousness, proclaims. This world of ours, as you will soon learn for yourselves, and let me hope without having to pay too heavily for your wisdom, abounds in robbers and thieves who rob you of your goods by brute force on the one hand, and, on the other, is full of men and women who will steal your all by deceit, underhanded cunning and other forms of cheating. Mercy and pity are here either altogether unknown or are only meant to mask hypocrisy and vice under their cloak. No doubt, you will also come across many genuine cases of goodwill and philanthropy here and there, but it will be so only occasionally and not as a rule. In many cases you will perceive villainy and evil flourishing and waxing strong, and honesty and virtue going to the wall. In short, you will find the actual experience of the world somewhat in the nature of a .staggering blow to your notions about the goodness of man, formed by you in your innocence and the seclusion of the school life. Here you have heard meekness praised, virtue admired, duty held in esteem, and salvation set up as the highest ideal. Honesty and straightforwardness have been extolled before you, and you have learnt to be
* The Presidential Address delivered on the occasion of the prize-distribution at the Jaina High School at Paharee Dhiraj, Delhi.
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