The One huge Idea which is characteristic of the soul-substance is infinite in respect of its contents. It represents all things of all times and places. This is so because things are only known through the response of consciousness to the incoming stimulus. Further, since the soul is a substance and since the attributes and properties of substances are the same in all cases, therefore, all souls have the same capacity in respect of knowledge. Hence what one soul knows can be known by all others. This is really tantamount to saying that every soul has the capacity to know all that was known to any and all the souls in the past, and that which is known to any one today, and also that which shall ever be known to any one in the future. In other words, every soul possesses, potentially knowledge infinite, that is, unlimited by time and space. In plain language, every soul is potentially omniscient.
What can never be known by the mind is simply non-existent. For what is not proved-whether directly or indirectly to exist cannot be admitted; and what no one will ever know can never be proved to exist. Hence all things are knowable by the soul.
The infinite consciousness of the soul, then, has the
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