The world is composed of two different kinds of substances, the Conscious and the Unconscious. The latter comprise no less than five different substances. These are: Space, Time, two kinds of Ether and Matter. The Conscious substance (Spirit) will be described in the part dealing with Psychology. But the others shall be dealt with here.
Space is a substance, in the nature of a vacuum, not a pure vacuum. It is an extended continuous vacuum. As pure vacuum it will be non-existent, and non-extended; for you cannot have even one positive quality inhering in what is itself non-existent. Space, which is endowed with infinite extension, must, therefore, be a substance in itself.
Time is known to us in two different aspects. It is, firstly, the measure of duration, and is known in the form of hours, days, and the like. Secondly, it is the cause of the continuity of function of things. Nothing in nature can exist destitute or devoid of function. Function is discharged by the displacement of energy in the case of simple units and things. If there were no Time-substance to help in the performance of the movement of the displacement of energy, things would be doomed to remain in the same condition always. Our
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