26–LESIYAS The unemancipated, that is, the embodied, soul is subject to the forces of attraction and magnetism, on account of the association of matter. The principle of attraction lies in the affinity of the pitch, the tone and the intensity of vibrations, in a word in rhythm, which characterises all forms of force, and substances when conceived as force, which they truly are in their ultimate analysis. Different combinations and groupings of matter would have different degrees and types of intensities, rates, pitches and tones of vibrations, and will readily resound in response to congenial vibrations from the external objects, as is the case with the impulses of the will. Now, the principle which governs re-incarnation is this: it is the resultant of the rate, the tone, the intensity and the pitch of the impulses that constitutes character which is the determining cause of the future re-birth. The soul is mechanically attracted and drawn where its internal vibrations (impulses) can find congenial vibrations in the out-side world, and reincarnates there. If it has gone to the regions which are the Kashmir of the habitable world, it will be said to have gone to heaven; if it is drawn into those parts which are like the great waterless sahara of Africa or are the darkest and dirtiest and the dampest quarters of the universe, it will be in hell.
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