SANNYABA DAARMA (1) vhäva suddhi, (2) kaya suddhi, (3) vinaya suddhi, (4) iryāpatha śuddhi, (5) bhiksha suddhi, (6 pratisthāpana suidhi, (7) sayanganna suddhi and (8. vākya suadhi. Bhava suddhi is the mental purity arising from the sense of delight that is itself pro duced from the unclouded clarity of the mind in reference to faith in the doctrines of Perfection and Gdhood, Bhava suddhi is the canvas, so to speak, which is required for painting the image of the Divinity of the Self, with the radium rays of pure conduct.
Kayā śuddhi is the purity of the body, that is rid of all worldly burdens (clothes, ornaments and the like), that abstains from all kinds of decorative samskūras (bathing, unguents etc.), that is no longer subject to physical or muscular excitations, that has its imovements under proper control, that is an image of peaceful serenity, and that is liko a neiborn child in appearance. The effect of the attain. ment to kaya suddhi is that onc ceases to fear, and at the same time nobody else ever fears the possessor of such a body.
. Vinaya sudilli is the purification of the senso or feeling of reverence and respect, and consists in the adoration of the Tirthamkaras, Siddhas (Saved Ones) and the Saints, in reverence for the revealed Word of the Law Scripture, in respectful obedience to the Preceptors' directions, in the attainment of high pro ficiency in the study and recitation of religious tra. ditions, in acquiring oscellence in the knowledge of tho country and age and of the human nature, and
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