dear to the heart of every worthy soul. He avoids false speech, back-biting, slander, and unwholesome words; and he does not create bad blood by his talk among men. Descriptions that are calculated to mislead by their extreme brevity, that give rise to various kinds of doubt or delusion, words that are not untinged by passion, or that are accompanied by laugh. ter, swearing, and harsh speech, are forbidden to him. The muni (ascetic) will never utter anything which is against dharma or the law of the country and the time, and he will never indulge in excessive praise of any one. His speech is intended as a blessing, as it were, to all living beings.
Hypocritical, harsh, joking, back-biting, egotistic, conceited, speech is to be condemned. Whatever might lead to the infliction of pain on any form of life, whether human, animal, or even lowlier than that, is forbidden to the saint. This samili is trans. gressed
(a) by speaking without regard to the
conditions of time and place, (6) by intervening without being asked,
and (c) by answering without fully grasping
what is said. (ii.) Esaņā samiti.--The proper manner of taking food is the subject of this samiti. Its * transgressions are :
* This samiti will be further described in a later chapter,
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