able in that gati, or to descend to the lowest and the most dreadful of its grades by further perverse thiuk. ing and living.
The death the saint aspires to attain to is termed samādhi marana or sullekhanū, that is to say the death of self-control. Even advanced householders aspire for this auspicious form of death, The saint does not like to die like a fool, as a rat in a trap, so to speak. He selects his own time and conditions for death. He perfects himself for it through a long course of train. ing, so that he should not flinch or be deterred in his resolution at the moment of the supreme test. The course recommended extends over a period of twelve years which is to be divided into six unequal parts and devoted to the performance of desire-eradicating asceticism. The first four years he should devote to. the special form of lapas known as kayakalesa (bodily afflictions), to be followed by a similar period characterized by the avoidance of the six rasas, name. ly, (1) milk, (2) curds, (3) ghee (clarified butter), (4) oils, (5) sugar, and 6) salt. Of the remaining four years, two are to be spent in reducing the quan. tity of food and the avoidance of the rasas, then a year in living on reduced “rations,” after which six months should be spent in performing some sort of less trying asceticism, and the last six months, in practising some of its severe forms. Thus disciplined the saint may hope to be able to control his inner conditions and future destiny both at the moment of death.
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