ed in contemplation of the Highest Self.
स्वयं कृतं कर्म यदात्मना पुरा, फलं तदीयं लभते शुभाशुभम । परेण दत्तं यदि लभ्यते स्फुटं, स्वयंकृतं कर्म निरर्थकं सदा ॥३०॥
Whatever karmas
have performed previously, you experience their consequences, whether good or evil. If what you experience is caused by another, then the karmas you have performed have clearly been of no effect ! franfèla nå fagro tfest, न कोपि कस्यापि ददाति किंचन । विचारयन्नेवमनन्यमानसः,
"Leaving aside the selfgathered karmas of the dweller in the body, no one gives anything to any one."-think of this with a concentrated mind, and give up the idea that there is another who gives!
यैः परमात्माऽमितगतिवन्धः, सर्वविविक्तो भृशमनवद्यः ।
शश्वद्ध्यातो मनसि, लभन्ते, मुक्तिनिकेतं विभववरं ते ॥ ३२ ॥
परो ददातीति विमुञ्च शेमुषीम ३१ | tion !
Jain Education International
Such persons as those who always meditate upon the Highst Self Who is revered by Amitgati, Who is distinct from every thing, and Who is worthy of high praise attain the supreme bliss which abides in Salva
I now pass on to a consideration of the doctrine of sacrifice which still prevails in many religions. I have no time here to trace the origin of this cruel practice, but we shall see that it is one of those doctrines which have been grossly misunderstood by men. It is not necessary to dwell on the subject at any great length; a few extracts from the Scriptures of those very creeds which practise it will suffice to remove the delusion.
The following passages in the Old Testament have a direct bearing on the interpretation of the ` sacrificial texts.
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