tically the Egyptians believed, from the earliest historical period, that because Osiris died and rose again, and after being justified entered into ever-lasting life, therefore those who believed in him would share the same destiny......... This belief is held, with no essential varia
tions, throughout the whole historic period.” In the Book of The Dead (chapter cliv) it is said : “Homage to thee, O my divine father, Osiris ! thou...... didst
not decay...... thon didst not become corruption. I shall not decay......I shall not see corruption... I shall have my being, I shall live, I shall germinate, I shall wake
op in peace." The following is the explanation given by Herodotus of these mysteries (ERE. vol. ix. p. 74) :" At Sais is the burial place of one whom I scraple to pame
[Osiris]......On the lake [of the temple], the Egyptians represent by night the sufferings avdergone by Him and this representation they call Mysteries. All the proceedings in these Mysteries are well-known to me, but my lips shall piously refrain from mentioning them ** (Herod. ii. 170. f.).
And Plutarch adds (ERE. vol. ix. p. 74): " Isis would not that her own woes and grievous journeyings,
that the deeds of his wiedom and heroism should fall into oblivion and silence. She therefore institated holy, sacred mysteries which would afford an image, a representation in mimic scenes of the sufferings he epdared that they might serve as a pious teaching and a congolatory hope to the men and women who passed through the same hardships" (Platarch de Is. et Osir. xxvii). .
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