conditions is to be avoided. The vow also condemns such deeds as rejoicing at the death of another, approving of another's crime, speaking ill of others, misrepresenting, desiring the death of another to come into his property, or for one's own safety; giving gratuitous advice, lending dangerous weapons, such as guns, fishing tackle, and the like; sheer carelessness of thought, word, and action; drinking, meaningless chitchat, excessive sleep; talking about things which do not concern one, writing immoral books, selling evil medicines and poisons, buffoonery, abuse, lustful thoughts, sensuality,
and all other like thoughts and deeds. (ix) The sâmâyika vow. It consists in spending
a certain amount of time at least once every day in a particular place, reading Scripture, praising the Master, recounting the merits of the siddhâtman, repenting of evil deeds, and, in a general way, concentrating the mind on suitable, proper and holy objects of medita
tion. (x) The tenth vow is a severer form of the
sixth, and consists in limiting one's movements, at least once a year or so, to one room or, at the most, to one's house. Thiş is transgressed by ordering things from beyond, or by transacting business outside the
limits. (xi) This vow is a severer form of the ninth.
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