more of the six kinds of tasty articles of food, clarified butter, milk, dahi (a kind of sour
milk), sugar, salt and oil. (v) Bibikta shayyûsana, or living in unfrequented
places, away from the haunts of men; staying
in unoccupied houses, and the like. (vi) Kayakleśa, the practising of bodily auster
ities such as remaining in the sun in summer, standing under a tree in rain, living on the bank of a river in winter, and the like. The object of kåyaklesha is to get over the longing for bodily comfort, and to prepare the system to bear the inclemencies of seasons without
disquietude of mind. The practising of these six forms of physical austerities is necessary for perfection in the antaranga tapa, which is also of six kinds, viz., (i) Prayashchita, the doing of penance for faults
committed through pramâda (laziness). (ii) Vinaya which is of four kinds, viz., (a) darshana vinaya, the establishing of mind
in right belief, or faith, and showing res
pect to those who have such belief; (6) jñâna vinaya, observing due respect for
those who are endowed with true wisdom,
and the acquisition of inana; (c) chåritra vinaya, the observance of the
rules of conduct becoming a layman and a sâdhu an ascetic), and the reverence of
those who follow these rules ; and (d) upachâra-vinaya, behaving with (d)
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