others to weep, killing or injuring others or oneself, back-biting, abusing, hard-heartedness, terrorising, and all those other forms of action which are opposed to the causes enumerated under the preceding head.
The next group of karmas which demands our attention is mohaniya, which is of two kinds, darsanamohaniya and charitra-mohaniya. The causes of the former kind are, (a) showing disrespect to the kevali (the soul who has conquered the four kinds of his ghâtia karmas, and has attained to omniscience), (b) finding fault with the Scripture of truth, i.e., the teaching of Jainism, (c) regarding a true muni as a charlatan, (d) imputing impiety to the residents of heavens, and (e) treating religion with contempt.
Charitra-mohaniya is caused by such conduct as the failure to control desires and passions, abuse, idle talk, causing pain to another, keeping evil company, grief, delight in injuring others, heartlessness, back-biting, despising virtuous men, and the like. The sex-passion peculiar to women is caused by becoming deeply attached to another man's wife, and by developing habits of thought and traits of character peculiar to women; the male sex-passion by milder forms of anger and greed, by sexual purity, and by having no desire for the embellishment of one's body; and the neuter sex-passion by the intensity of the four kinds of passions (anger, pride, deceit and greed), castration, unnatural gratification of sexual lust, imputation of unchastity to a chaste and viruous woman, and by madly falling in love with the married spouse of another.
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