of the fact of personification, and accepted the progeny of human imagination as an actual being, a creator was at once ushered into the world to be the harbinger of atheism in his turn. The tendency to a monistic conception of the world reached its culmination in denying existence to everything else, and leaving this man-made creator in the sole possession of the field. Hence, matter had to be created out of nothing to enable this pet of theology to exercise his creative function. The moment theology would come round to acknowledge the nature of the personifications which different orders of mystics have set up for themselves, that very moment would mark the termination of differences among the different creeds, and, in all probability, between science and religion as well.
The cause of the theological error in maintaining the world to have been created from nothing might also be found to lie in the nature of matter, which can be studied at its best in the phenomenon of dreaming. Since the material of the dream-world seems to come from nowhere, and since the dreamer's mind is not conscious of its presence in the waking state, an inexact philosophy might come to the conclusion that it is created from nought. Arrived at a conclusion so highly satisfactory to mystical Thought, it is but natural that theology should have jumped to the further conclusion that the world was also formed of a matter which rushed into being from nothing at the creative fiat of its Causa Causans of things in existence. The absurdity of the argument, however, is apparent to any one who knows the nature of the material of which dreams are made. It is the
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