Atimukta Kumar The boy rushed to the sage and asked Hearing this the boy said
Oh ! That's Revered one ! Son ! I am a
the matter. Please Who are you and Shraman' and
come to my residence. why do you walk I move around
My mother will offer around thus ? to collect alms.
you ample food.
20 Ded
With these words prince Atimukta held Gautam Swami's finger and lead him to the palace. The innocent love and request of the child made Gautam Swami accompany him. On the way the child asked -
Revered one! Why do you beg?
Child ! This is the ascetic code. We wander among upper and lower class families to collect bits of pure alms and
follow the path of restraint as preached by Bhagavan Mahavir.
# Jain ascetic Jain Education International
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