Bhagavan said
Bhadra! The meritorious deed of giving alms to
an ascetic observing austerities caused your
birth as the son of merchant Gobhadra
and Bhadra. You enjoyed enormous wealth because
of that only
A little later the two ascetics came to Bhagavan again Bhante! Due to
Bhadra! extreme austerities this Do what body has become very
pleases weak. We wish to practice the ultimate vow and
soul. attain our goal.
Prabhu! What
you say is, indeed, true.
Getting Bhagavan's permission Dhanya and Shalibhadra climbed Vaibharagiri hill with senior ascetics. Near the top they selected a large rock and lying down on it took the ultimate vow.*
* This ultimate vow is called Padapogaman Santhara. The seeker abandons four types of food and stretches 28 like a tree on a rock. Enduring all afflictions including those by ants, worms, animals, birds, men or gods he embraces death with absolute peace and serenityle & Personal use on