Sur-sundari was the only and beloved daughter of king Ripumardan and queen Ratisundari of
Champapuri. She was beautiful and intelligent, and very fond of playing with kaudis. One day while she was playing, the queen said Sire, our
Yes, I have also thought daughter is seven
(about this. Best is to send her years old, let us send
to the school of the famous her to school
teacher Jnanasen. now.
Sur-sundari joined the school of Acharya Jnanasen. Amar Kumar, the son of the nagar-seth, also studied in the same school. Amar was the best student of the school. He was handsome and pleasing, and witty as well. All the students accepted him to be their leader. Son Amar, you Amar memorizes
How I wish that I (COO
got the first position in every lesson just by a had a sharp memory this test also. single reading.
like Amar's.
# A title awarded to the richest merchant of the town.
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