As soon as the king started fanning he was on the mend.
Great! How
soothing it feels. The irritation is reduced. After so many years I feel so relieved.
Whoever gets the princess released from the brigand will be given her hand in marriage.
Soon the king was completely cured.
One day a cruel brigand kidnapped princess Kanakvati, the only daughter of the king. All efforts to find her went in vain. At last the king announced
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He hugged Vimalyash and said
O foreigner, you have given me a new life. I reward you with half of my kingdom. You may enjoy all the comforts.
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In spite of Vimalyash's reluctance to accept, the king insisted and gave him half his kingdom. Vimal gave a hundred thousand gold coins to Salka.
When Vimalyash came to know of this he used his special powers to trace the brigand and get the princess released. The king said with joy
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O young man, you have obliged me once again. Please marry my daughter and do a third obligation on me.
Sire, I would first like to talk to the princess in privacy. Then only I will give my consent for marriage.