SURSUNDARI He rushed to the coast and said to the sailors with On the island, when Sur-sundari opened her urgency
eyes after some time and found herself alone she called
BIO Amar, where are you Amar ? This isolation is
at once.
Be quick. An evil yaksha* has devoured my wife and is chasing me now. Weigh the anchor and sail at
The sailors at once weighed the anchors and the ships left the shore.
When she got no response her heart pounded with fear.
She looked around expectantly and her gaze fell on the nearby rock-face. She approached the rock and read
Sur-sundari, remember you called me a thief and a crook when I took seven kaudis. You had boasted that with seven kaudis you could get a kingdom. Now seven kaudis are before you. If you have courage and wisdom, make your words come true. I am abandoning you. I will meet you after twelve years. I give you ample time to do what you said.
yours 'Amar'
The letter on the rock made her angry, she uttered
So, this is the idea. He has left me alone to take his revenge. Amar committed a theft in his childhood and now an act of deception. He has
shown his true colours.
She tied the seven kaudis to the end of her scarf and in disgust, started throwing around pebbles.
* A type of lower gods. Jain Education International
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