SURSUNDARI Amar and Sur-sundari started their voyage on an auspicious moment with twelve shiploads of merchandise and hundreds of sailors.
After sailing for a week the flotilla anchored at Yaksha island. Amar Kumar instructed the captain Replenish drinking water,
Kumar, no ship fruits, and other essentials
stops during the night at this here. In the meantime we will
Yaksha island. Therefore Took around the island and
we should sail before return.
Assuring him to return before evening, Amar and Sur-sundari left for a walk.
Enjoying the scenic beauty of the jungle and fruits from trees they came afar. Seeing a river bank Sur-sundari saidDarling, I am tired.
Alright dear, you We should take some
rest awhile and I rest.
will go, take a dip
in the river.
Sur-sundari spread a sheet and lied down. She slept at once.
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