The process continued. The other traders found gold and exchanged silver with it. The iron-trader remained adamant. At last when the group came across diamonds everyone jumped with joy.
Great! Now we are truly lucky. Throw away the gold and collect diamonds
They started collecting diamonds.
He refused to accept anybody's advise. With the load of their diamonds they proceeded ahead and finally reached a large city. The iron-trader proceeded alone to sell his goods.
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All right give it.
In exchange of all the iron you can get a basket full of gram.
When they finished collecting diamonds and were about to move, they felt pity for the iron-trader. They said
Brother, accept the truth now. Such opportunities never come again. You will repent all your life if you miss now.
He took a basket full of roasted gram and started selling all around the city. He somehow managed to make two ends meet and became a gram vendor.
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Why are
you after me? I have told you once and for all that whatever I took was final. I am not a rounded stone like you.
Take freshly roasted gram!